Its your boy, after a long break, i decided to drop yall another banger lol. Seriously though, I have really had fun with this one. ROOM draws inspiration from psychological horror games, such as The Backrooms. My graphics, as always 10/10 trash. The voice acting, also all me 10/10 garbo deluxo. The sick sound track, AI trash. I do feel like I am getting slightly better. Here are some features that it has/features I plan to add. Please give harsh feedback until I want to play on train tracks. I want your comments to really hurt me so I can just git gud. You can donate if you want, but I don't care either way. First person to donate gets made into a character in this game. Just send me what you want to look like, and ill butcher it and make your image pure cancer with my drawing skills 


1) Player can move with AWSD. WS is for moving up on ladders/swimming and s is crouch. 

2) Player has flash light that works and can be thrown. 

3) Lights really turn off, spooky as shi* bois. 

4) Most of the sounds work, maybe you will get to hear that sweet gurgle sound the viper is suppose to make, but probably not. 

5) There is somewhat of a working save system that recalls your evil morally wrong choices, you dirty duck you. This still needs work and will be greatly expanded on as it is huge on the story. 

6) There is a health system that works. 

7) Sanity system that works. You even get blurred vision and my seductive voice breathing into your ear when you get too afraid. 

8) You can get too tired and run out of breath. I recycled that same sweet sound. 

9) You get to meet some pretty tight bois along the way. There is the blood walker, the crawler, the screecher,  and the viper hound.  Each with alright AI, low key though that room 2 chase is pretty bugged out. 

10) Sneak system works good on viper and on blood walker. 

11) Working inventory. Hit i to show or hide, since I know yall as**oles are not going to read the tutorial. 

12) Water system works and you can run out of air and die. 

13) Fall system almost worked but you just kept spam dying so i thought I should disable for now till I can git betterest. 

Some planned features would be to add way more items. I want to fill that bar up like yall wanna fill these pockets with your sweet 1.00 bill donations for your dirty little me. 

I want to have at least 10-15 rooms or so with multiple endings. I of course want to have several more enemies and diversify traps. 

UPDATE LOG--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Read Dev Blog for full updates. this will just be the most recent one. Room 4 and 5 are now complete. Room 5 has references to drug use and suicide. I know that can be triggering for some, so this is a skippable level. If there are enough concerns, I will remote it. My intentions is to build a game the community enjoys and never would want to offend anyone. I just like to talk mad shit. 

Development log


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After an update, you will need to start a new game to avoid breaks. 

Hurt my feelings with your heartless feedback itch community, daddy can take it. Seriously though, thanks for all who play any of my sh*t games I have fun making. Any feedback would be appreciated. I plan on turning this into a master piece, so anyone that wants to come work with me on it, lets show them what hot pocket warlords can do. All my stuff is free, so you can't be too mad. Sub a brother my guy.