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I just finished room 4. It adds another creepy creature to avoid, as well as double jump! I have fixed most major bugs, but please let me know if you find anymore when version 0.1 drops sometime this month. Before uploading the next version, I really would like to finish Room 5. It is going to be by far the most ambitious room by adding a NPC type creature that isn't trying to kill you per say. Lots of morality choices that will weigh heavy at the end of the game and tie the story together more. I would like to add at least 1 more item and I also plan on changing the name of the game as "ROOM" is not original enough. I would like to also update the game page to look nicer and attract more of the community. I plan to be actively working on this game and if there is enough interest, or maybe even if there isn't, I will post my full development process on the linked youtube channel on my developer page. 

My end goal is to have somewhere around 20-30 rooms. I would like to have around 10 hours of game play. This will depend on final number of rooms and how complex some of the last few are. I want to make it so there is quite a bit of replay value as I will have a couple endings and after playthrough 1 you will get to learn how stuff is weighted and fair better next judgement. 

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